Meet our Professionals

Anna Piccato

Anna Piccato


She is, together with Gianluca Paletto, founding partner
of Piccato Paletto and Associates.
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    She devotes particular attention to tax law, accounting, budgeting as well as to planning for taxation.
    Thanks to a long-standing experience in social partnership, valuation reports, audit, due diligence, validation operations, asset management and estate planning, she has acquired deep knowledge in the field.
    She holds the position of statutory auditor and acting auditor in various capital companies.
    She graduated in Economics in 1991.
    She has been registered in the Court’s Official Listing of C.P.A. since 1992, in the Auditor register since 1999, and with the Court of Turin as an expert witness since 1997.

Gianluca Paletto

Gianluca Paletto


He is, together with Anna Piccato, founding partner of
Piccato Paletto and Associates.
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    He devotes particular attention to corporate law, accounting, budgeting, issues related to contracts, as well as to planning for taxation.
    Thanks to a long-standing experience in company restructuring, transfer of shares, companies and assets, he has acquired deep knowledge in the field.
    He provides Clients with assistance in dialogue with financial administrations, before and within litigations, and represents them before Tax Courts.
    He provides Clients with assistance in arrangements among partners.
    He holds the position of statutory auditor and acting auditor in various capital companies.
    He is registered with the Court of Turin as an expert witness and takes part as such in civil legal proceedings.
    He has been involved in the drafting of the following volumes: “Manuale del reddito d’impresa. Sintesi, questioni e casi pratici” published by Ipsoa, “Guida al business plan” published by Turin’s Chamber of Commerce, “Gli imponibili d’impresa 2006” and “Gli imponibili d’impresa 2007” published by M.A.P. (Moduli di Aggiornamento Professionale) in Turin.
    He has written several follow-up articles on accounting for specialised magazines.
    He has taken part as a speaker in various refresher seminars and meetings.
    He graduated in Economics in 1992.
    He has been registered in the Court’s Official Listing of C.P.A. since 1994, in the Auditor register since 1999, and with the Court of Turin as an expert witness since 1999.

Maria Antonietta Stilla

Maria Antonietta Stilla


Maria Antonietta Stilla is an associate at
Piccato Paletto and Associates.
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    She devotes particular attention to tax law, accounting and budgeting.
    She is sole director at “Piccato Paletto Servizi S.r.l.”, company specialised in data processing for accounting.
    She graduated in 1985.
    She has been registered in the Public Register of Employment Consultants since 1989.

Eugenio Brunetti

Eugenio Brunetti


Eugenio Brunetti is an associate at
Piccato Paletto and Associates.
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    He devotes particular attention to tax law, accounting and budgeting.
    He holds the position of statutory auditor in various capital companies.
    He graduated in Economics in Turin in 2001.
    He has been registered in the Court’s Official Listing of C.P.A. since 2005, in the Auditor register since 2006.

Sara Cancanelli

Sara Cancanelli


Sara Cancancelli collaborates with
Piccato Paletto and Associates.
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    She devotes particular attention to tax law, accounting and budgeting.
    She graduated in Economics in Turin in 2009.
    She has been registered in the Court’s Official Listing of C.P.A. since 2012, in the Auditor register since 2013.